Pediatric Medical Group of Central Jersey
                Experience the difference of personalized medicine

Immunization Information

The Pediatric Medical Group of Central Jersey is committed to providing the best and most up to date preventive care for your child.  We believe that immunizations are an essential part of that care.  Vaccines are a safe and effective way of preventing diseases that can cause life threatening illnesses in infants and children.  Our pediatricians follow the guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics for childhood immunization.

Importance of Immunization

Vaccines prevent disease in the people who receive them and protect those who come into contact with unvaccinated individuals. Vaccines are responsible for the control of many once-common infectious diseases including polio, measles, diphtheria, and many other dangerous diseases.
Vaccines are important for many reasons including:

- Vaccines protect individual children who are vaccinated against dangerous diseases

- Vaccines protect communities; they help to protect children who are not able to be vaccinated* or who do not respond to vaccines 

- Vaccines slow down or stop disease outbreaks

*Some children cannot be vaccinated for certain diseases because they have medical conditions, are too young, or their body does not adequately respond to vaccines.

Why Immunize? 
The American Academy of Pediatrics outlines all diseases prevented by immunizations with links to in depth information for each illness:

Additional information is available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: